
The international rare disease research consortium (IRDiRC): making rare disease research efforts more efficient and collaborative around the world

Figure 1. Organizational structure of IRDiRC. The Consortium assembly comprises members of all participating organizations and oversees the activities of IRDiRC. The Constituent and Scientific Committees act in an advisory role to identify key issues that can be addressed through Task Forces and Working Groups, reporting to an Operating Committee that works alongside the Scientific Secretariat to communicate recommendations and progress to the Consortium Assembly. Organizational structure of IRDiRC. The Consortium assembly comprises members of all participating organizations and oversees the activities of IRDiRC. The Constituent and Scientific Committees act in an advisory role to identify key issues that can be addressed through Task Forces and Working Groups, reporting to an Operating Committee that works alongside the Scientific Secretariat to communicate recommendations and progress to the Consortium Assembly. IRDiRC: International Rare Disease Research Consortium.

Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
ISSN 2771-2893 (Online)
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